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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Student drawing of a Spineosaurus [sic]

This drawing was done by a first grade male. He knew exactly what he was drawing and knows pretty much everything about dinosaurs. He is a true artist. Also, he wears suits to school every day.


  1. that kid sounds like a bad ass.

  2. Kid sounds like a professional.
    Sits down.
    Busts out the Crayola.
    Throws out a Spineosaurus.
    Call it a day.

  3. He knew the one thing to add to make Spinosaurus better -- RAPTOR CLAWS

  4. I don't know about you guys but I was eating dirt in the first grade...and I didn't get my first suit until I was 19 from my dead Grandpa. Dang. This kid is eon's ahead of where I am right now.
